How Can I earn from my App created using Made?

You can earn from your App in many ways but following are the most effective ones:


  1. Earn from Advertisement by enabling AdMob, or monetize using Made's monetization feature
  2. You can register yourself on Appy Jump and enable advertisements on your app, where for each advertisement you can earn a fixed chunk of money
  3. You can publish your app on iTunes, Google Play, Windows Phone Store, BlackBerry World and Amazon App Store as a paid app
  4. You can charge your app users on the subscription basis, but you have to add payment settings in your app from Build>>System Pages>>Login>>Payment Settings before going ahead
  5. You can sell Physical Products(e.g: T-shirts, Shoes, etc.) through your app
  6. You can sell Food Products(e.g: Pizzas, Burgers etc.) using your app
  7. You can sell Digital Products/Services (e.g: Videos, Audios, PDFs etc.) via your app
  8. You can accept Donation through your app
  9. Through Made's Hyperlocal feature, you can charge your app users for booking slots, or for adding their listing(s)

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